What to expect from the C-Section Scar Specialist course?

The RESTORE C-Section Scar Specialist course is a blended (online and in-person) course.  Providing you with advanced massage skills for scar tissue and the abdominal area to support clients after caesarean birth. 

By the end of this four day course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the benefits of scar treatment after caesarean surgery
  • List common complications and considerations for treating clients after caesarean birth
  • Assess and classify a caesarean scar
  • Give a holistic scar and abdominal massage to a client after caesarean birth using dry techniques and with a massage oil or wax
  • Provide a client with self-scar care advice, to promote scar healing and reduce common symptoms associated with their abdominal surgery

Self-paced online learning before your in-person course. Attend in-person for one day, then complete four x 60 minute case study treatments, returning for your second in-person day.  Self-paced online learning after your in-person course provides multiple examples in treatment variations and adaptions.

The course will take around four days:

Your course includes online and in-person training, at home you’ll practice the techniques on two client case studies (case studies can include new or historic c-section clients, even clients who have very old scars will be suitable). Returning to class to discuss and review your progress.

  • Pre-course online: Learning (self-paced) designed to be completed in short segments around a busy schedule
  • Day one in-person: Learn scar massage and fascial techniques and observe demonstrations on members of the public who has had a caesarean birth
  • Home cases studies: Complete two treatments on two clients (total four treatments of around 60 minutes) at any stage after their childs birth
  • Day two in-person: Discuss and review your case studies, learn more abdominal techniques and assessment for diastasis recti (abdominal separation)
  • Online post-course: Follow Lucy and Joanne from starting 5-6 weeks post-birth through a series of treatments as their scar matures
  • Online post-course: Demonstrations of a variety of women at different stages and with different concerns after abdominal birth.

Become a RESTORE C-Section Scar Specialist for £499

Around 30% of UK births are by caesarean. This major surgery can cause symptoms in the first two years as the scar heals, and other concerns can develop in very mature scars.

Book your course and you will learn: 

  • History and different surgical approaches
  • Considerations for clients after planned and emergency c-section surgery
  • Contraindications for scar therapy after c-section
  • Different ways of treating immature and maturing scars (within 2 years) and scars after maturation (any time after 2 years)
  • Client self-care advice and recommend topical products
  • Techniques for scar tissue, with multiple ways to adapt the techniques demonstrated in-person and online
  • Massage and fascial techniques for areas which frequently present issues:hips, abdomen and diaphragm

This course is suitable for any manual therapist wanting to support clients after abdominal birth. Including (but not limited to) massage therapists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, fascial and myofascial therapists, post-natal specialists and doulas qualified to give hands-on treatment. No previous training in scar treatment required. Benefit from 12 months access to online platform is included.

Scroll down for dates and locations, select a date to read more.


Click on the course title below to read more and book your training

Displays show the first in-person classroom date for the course, click on a course title to open the full information.

C-Section Scar Specialist (Sold out)
9:30 am - 5:00 pm
C-Section Scar Specialist
9:30 am - 5:00 pm
The Wellbeing Hub, 14 Rogart St, Bridgeton, Glasgow G40 2AA
C-Section Scar Specialist
9:30 am - 5:00 pm
London School of Osteopathy 12 Grange Rd, London SE1 3BE

Limited places available, contact us at admin@restoretherapy.co.uk if your preferred dates are fully booked and you wish to be added to the waiting list and bring the benefits of these skills to your clients.


This course is perfect for all massage, physiotherapists and other physical therapists working with post-natal clients.

Scar massage continues to be effective even for older scars with no upper limit. Using products is less likely to benefit older c-section scars.

During paired practice (even if you do not have a c-section) you will practice some of the techniques over the lower abdomen and top of the bikini line where you would find a c-section scar. If you have any concerns about receiving treatment in this area, contact us before booking.

Restore Therapy teaches people who are from different kinds of professional therapy background on our courses. This includes massage, physiotherapy, lymphoedema, osteopathy and so on. Each professional therapy has a different bodies offering accreditation for courses, and so we have not chosen to affiliate with one singular body and exclude other professional form attending and completing training. This should not mean you are not eligible to gain CPD points for learning with Restore Therapy on this course. Simply submit your certification if required to provide proof of the learning hours.

To enrol on any course offered at Restore Therapy, you need to be professionally qualified in a physical therapy (such as massage, physiotherapy, osteopathy, MLD or similar) and have one years experience. If you are unsure if your qualification is suitable, contact us.

You can attend with no previous knowledge of scar therapy, or you can attend if you have completed any of the other RESTORE Scar therapy courses, or previous training in other scar therapy techniques and discover new material unique to this course.

You have 12 months access to the online portal, this will only start two weeks before your in-person class. Before this time you may have already booked and paid for your course, but you are not able to begin your online learning until two weeks before your course. This is because we want everyone to have recently looked at the information before attending.

This is a CPD course and should be easy to add to your therapy insurance, usually without increasing the premium.

Emma Holly has developed the RESTORE scar therapy courses with a unique and holistic approach to supporting recovery. Based in the foundations of her background in massage therapy, combined with the knowledge and skills she has gained from attending training with a variety of scar therapy experts from around the world and five years as a teacher of Sharon Wheeler's ScarWork. The RESTORE techniques and approach seamlessly blends scar treatment into a holistic bodywork session, whether you use a medium - such as oil or wax - or you deliver your therapy dry.

The online learning in this course can be completed on a smart phone, laptop, desktop or tablet. We understand not everyone is set up or happy to complete online learning. It is possible to attend the course without subscribing to the online portal, but this creates significant additional administration for Restore Therapy.

The additional cost for anyone not wishing to use the online portal for the course is £40 per learner. This will include being sent personal copies of the pre-course reading, course manual and post course certification in email or hard copy by post within UK.

The Online material is divided into pre- and post- classroom training segments. You are given access to the online portal two weeks before your in-person class. The pre-course online learning includes pre-course reading, provided in document form and also in video formats to suit your preferred learning style. There is also a short pre-course activity where you are asked to find a friend or family member with a scar and complete a short questionnaire. Links to research and further reading will enhance your knowledge. In advance of the hands-on training allow around 2-3 hours should be enough to complete the learning and scar assessment activity.

After your unperson course there is further learning, including demonstrations of the techniques, demonstrations of treatment on clients after C-Section surgery including one off treatments and a treatment series with Lucy and Joanne add many hours of additional learning and resources available after your course. It is not compulsory to watch all the online video demonstrations, but they are there if you need a reference and on completion an additional certification will be issued.

This course can also be booked as a private group training for your therapy team or as a hosted course by a UK or international therapy school.

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